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Mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling or mood. Such conditions may affect someone’s ability to relate to others and function each day. Each person will have different experiences, even people with the same diagnosis.

This Book taps into the stories of survivors of Mental Illness. Some of our coauthors are still dealing with these challenges today but they are able to maintain and still push through. Learn how they are doing it. 

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Danielle Batiste

Danielle Batiste is from Newport News, Virginia. She went to Saint Leo University and is just a few classes away from her bachelor with the intention of going back to finish her degree in Business Administration. Even though she didn’t finished college she had a mindset program to become a businesswoman that came very naturally. She always knew she would do something in business but not like what she has embark on now being an author, doing collaborations, tv shows, podcast and so forth. Since leaving the military and being diagnosis as having chronic adjustment disorder which eventually led finding out later that you are misdiagnosis for a long time and treated and medicated with the other drugs. Eventually through many changes I was finally diagnosis right and now I’m seeing differently, but my mission now is to tell my story and hope everyone that is listening will be able to come out and do the same. Please don’t hold this in because all it will do is eat you alive inside and make it just that much harder to help you when you wrap it up tightly so let’s change and get the stigma off mental health and be able to help everyone freely and without judgment. My mission is to be that vessel that everyone and anyone can talk to about mental health with out being judge.

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